A cookie is a text file that can be stored in a dedicated space on the hard disk of your terminal (computer, tablet, smartphone) by the web browser you use to consult our Website, according to the choices saved in your browser concerning cookies. The cookie file enables the web server to identify the terminal on which it is saved during the period of validity or registration of the cookie.

While you browse the Website, data concerning the navigation of your terminal on our Website may be saved in cookie files stored on your terminal. These cookies enable L’Abeuradou to offer you a personalized shopping experience linked to your login device.

When you visit the Website for the first time and that L’Abeuradou want to save a cookie on your terminal, you are warned by an information banner at the bottom of the page. If you continue to navigate the Website after the banner has been displayed, you expressly consent to the use of cookies by L’Abeuradou.

You can change the cookie settings at any time. Below you will find more information concerning cookies and how you can manage cookie settings.


Depending on the choices saved on your browser, navigation on our Website can result in various cookies, web beacons of your IP address, IDFA, geo-tracking via IP address, login and navigation information (referral URL, advertising data, visit statistics, login credentials) stored on your terminal, so that L’Abeuradou can recognise your terminal’s browser throughout the period of retention of this information. L’Abeuradou collect information from the pages you browse, the links on which you click, and from other actions as part of your navigation related to their commercial offer. Some anonymous Cookies can be saved on your browser at the moment of your connection to our website and will be used by L’Abeuradou for statistics needs only.

The cookies and similar technologies we store on your browser can:

compile statistics and volumes for traffic and use of the various Website components (items and content visited, navigation pathways), to allow L’Abeuradou to provide more pertinent and ergonomic services;
adapt the presentation of our Website to the display preferences of your terminal (language used, display resolution, operating system used, etc.) during your navigation of the Website, according to the display and reading hardware and software used by your terminal;
insofar as you have provided us with your personal data, particularly your email address during your registration on the Website, in placing of your order or when accessing our services, associate these data with your navigation data in order to send you email offers or display personalised advertisements on your terminal which may be of particular interest to you, in the advertising spaces we provide;
insofar as you have provided your personal data (wishlist, purchase preferences, participation in promotional events), notably your email address, during your registration on the Website or when accessing one of the services provided by L’Abeuradou, associate these data with navigation information about your terminal in order to send you, for example, L’Abeuradou email offers and display advertisements based on your interests via our network of selected advertisers;
store information related to a form you have filled in on the Website (registration or access to your account) or to products, services or information you have chosen on the Website (service subscribed, content of a shopping cart, etc.);
provide access to reserved, personal spaces on the Website such as your account, using the ID or data you have provided on an earlier occasion;
implement security measures, for example being asked to connect to a content or service again after a certain lapse of time;
fight against Internet fraud (prevention of fraud concerning means of payment, stolen ID, etc.). In this respect, L’Abeuradou or its service providers acting on its behalf and in respect of your rights, can store cookies to collect information relating to the terminal used to place the order (especially the operating system used, the location of the terminal, if a proxy is used, etc.). These cookies combined with your order data are used to validate your order, the payment method used and the delivery method requested.
You may be able to share information with social networks as part of maintaining an account that is personal to you. These social networking sites may allow us automatic access to information that you have posted, for example, a product or content that you would have liked or content that you clicked on. Access to this information may allow us to customise our offers to your attention based on your preferences.


L’Abeuradou can include computer applications from other sources on the Website which are designed to share the content of the Website with other people or to inform them of content you have consulted. This applies to the “Share” or “Like” button on Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter.

The social media providing the application button can then identify you.

The list of third party cookies (companies with whom L’Abeuradou has a contractual relationship for the purpose of improving the user experience) is accessible in our Cookie Tool Manager.


L’Abeuradou works with some carefully selected partners who may place cookies on your browser for advertising purposes. This allows partner sites to display on your device various products based on your interests you have shown by your navigation. These ads may offer you products that you have viewed on our Website, or other related products, styles. You can access to the list of cookies of our partners in our Cookie Tool Manager.


There are several ways you can manage cookies. Any change in settings may change your browsing and access conditions to the Website. You can change these settings at any time using the procedures described below.

You can configure your browser to, depending on your choice, that cookies are saved in your terminal or on the contrary they are rejected. You can also configure your browser so that the acceptance of cookies is offered to you punctually and before a cookie is registered in your terminal.

L’Abeuradou also provides a Cookie Tool Manager so that you can easily exercise you right regarding cookies.

a) Approval of cookies

Except in the event such cookies are mandatory for our service or anonymous, any cookie registration on your terminal is subject to obtaining your consent that you can express and modify at any time and for free by changing the settings of your browser or in the Cookie Tool Manager. If you have accepted the recording of cookies in your terminal, cookies embedded on the pages and contents you have viewed will be stored in a reserved area of your terminal and will be readable and recognizable only by the issuer.

b) Refusal of cookies

If you refuse the registration of cookies or if you delete those that are registered, you will not be able to benefit from many features that are necessary for easy navigation on the Website. This would be the case if you want to access the spaces or services where you need to identify yourself. This would still be the case if L’Abeuradou or its service providers are unable to recognize, for technical compatibility purposes, the type of browser your device uses, its language and display settings, or the country from which your device appears to be connected to the Internet. In this case, we do not accept any liability for the consequences of the degraded operation of our services due to the settings you have chosen.

c) How to exercise your choices according to the browser you use?

Regarding the management of cookies, each browser offers different configuration modes. They are described in the help menu of each browser:

For Mozilla Firefox:

Go to “Tools” then “Options” menu
Click on the “Privacy” settings
Select your preferred option on the “Cookie” menu
For Microsoft Internet Explorer:

Go to “Tools” menu, then “Internet Options”
Click on “Confidentiality”
Select your preferred level of confidentialitySelect your preferred level of confidentiality
For Opera:

Go to “Files” > “Preferences”
Click on “Privacy”
For Android browser:

Tap on the upper right button

Go to “Settings” then “Privacy & security menu”

Go to “Settings” then “Privacy & security menu”

For Dolphin Browser on Android:

In the Menu, go to “More” then “Settings”
Select the “Privacy & security settings” menu
Select you preferred option in the “cookies” menu
For Safari on iOS:

In the “Settings” app, go to “Safari” menu
Go to “Accept cookies” entry under “Privacy”
Select your preferred option
In the event you share the use of your terminal with others, or if your terminal has several navigation software, we cannot be sure that the advertising services aimed for your terminal correspond to your own use of this terminal and not to the one of another user of this terminal. We remind you that, sharing with others the use of your terminal and configuring the settings for cookies is your sole choice and responsibility.

For more information about cookies and their use, you can consult the file of the National Commission of Computing and Freedoms at the following address: www.cnil.fr.